The process of restarting Bad Wolf Clothes means running through my existing stock before making new products. I’ve got some great products waiting to be released into the world, including this awesome Star Trek T shirt.
This was a huge seller for me, back in the day! As a sci-fi fan and a Trekkie in particular, I had a fair idea of what other fans want to wear. Most stuff on the market is very samey and lacking in variety. I also thought there wasn’t much out there which would be great for regular day to day wear without being too ‘much’. Basically, my vibe has always been ‘show me you are a fan of something without screaming too loud’.
This Trek T shirt is exactly that. It’s understated….Just grey. But look at the delta logo! Its beautifully embroidered (by me) in gold & black thread. It’s instantly recognisable without being too much.
Sometimes you want to enjoy your fandom without having to practically cosplay!

You can find out more at the product listing, here:
Live long & Prosper!